Knowing which species of fish you want to chase while you’re in Alaska is important so you can plan your vacation around the fish you are looking to catch. Below you will find information on the various runs and fish species.

Salmon Runs on the Kenai River
First and Second Run King Salmon
Though we no longer fish this fishery on the Kenai due to low numbers of returning King Salmon. But, historically the first run of King Salmon takes place in June on the Kenai River and the second during July. If this fishery is properly managed and ever comes back this would likely be the timeframe again.
Second Run Sockeye Salmon
The second run Sockeyes start to enter the river mid-July and run through the first or second week of August depending on the year.
Early Run Silver Salmon
These fish start arriving usually the first week of August on the Kenai River
Late Run Silver Salmon
This run starts at the beginning of September and runs through the end of the month and into October. These fish are generally smaller than the early run silver salmon, but just as fun to fight!
Other Species
Rainbow Trout
The hard-fighting Kenai River Rainbow Trout are in the river throughout the year. The prime times for fishing these Trout though is mid-August- the first week of October.
Cook Inlet Halibut
These Cook Inlet flatfish are readily available mid-May – September